Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lesson Plan- Governance and Finance

Chapter 9
Page 253-268
Governance and Finance- Regulating and Funding Schools
Lesson Plan Format

I.                         * Purpose: Goal and objective of lesson: 
To inform students of state structured education programs and how they are financed and to inform about state funding and governance. Students will be able to recognize similar hierarchy of what states have including school boards, districts, and the administration within specific schools.  The lesson will include various examples of state education structures as well as the various ways that the schools obtain funding.

**As a result of this lesson students will be able to: (begin each phrase with an action verb!) See sample below
1. Demonstrate knowledge on how school systems are structured.
2.  Understand the various financial resources schools have access to.

II.                       Materials: (What type of materials do I need to complete this lesson successfully?)-Hand out that is fill in the blank

III.                    Technology: (Include any technology that may be part of the lesson.)
Power point that coincides with the hand out.

IV.                    Procedures (Include a good introduction and closure as part of this section.) Be detailed!
Intro: Quote or statistics
look up quote and funding from own highschool (Chicago public highschools)
Because of our economy state funds are decreasing.
Show diagram on page 267 or 268- start a discussion? What do we think?
are you aware of any budget cuts that your highschool received?
new trier VS low funded cps (email ryan gray about video link)
do you think it is fair?

Programs that have been created to help with programs getting cut.

((Ex) talk to Charlie about his baseball team getting cut- how did that make him feel?))

V.                      Assessment (Were the goals of the lesson achieved? What type of assessment was used to measure  goal/state standard?)

VI.                  Accommodations/Differentiation (What techniques were used to ensure that all learner needs were met?)

*Purpose sample:
 The purpose of this lesson is to help students develop a conscious perception of the sounds of language. Students will be able to hear rhyming words and match words that rhyme. They will be able to verbally create a word that rhymes with a word that they are given. The activities in the lesson will be playful and engaging while at the same time addressing a specific goal.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
1.      recognize rhyming words
2.      create words that rhyme with a given word.
3.       match two rhyming pictures

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